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Coconut Oil - A Healthy Solution For Hair And Skin Care

Coconut as a whole plays a very important part in our lives. From leafs to the oil everything has become very useful to us. Coconut oil is widely used for your hair and many may have seen the results it has provided. With the growth in the market we have been exposed to n number of creams, which have proved to be worthless. In this stiff competition coconut oil has risen as a thorough winner.

The oil seems to do wonders for your skin. It softens the skin as well as cures it from any damages providing you with a radiant and young look. It helps the skin to avoid liver spots and blemishes caused due to aging and sunlight. By regular use of the oil a soft and supple skin is developed keeping it wrinkle free. The damage to the skin by sun rays is restricted with the use of coconut oil. It brings back the shine and lost charm of the skin.

The presence of antiseptic fatty acids prevents any fungal and bacterial infection. Some of the infections it keeps fighting on regular basis are the acne, ringworm, herpes, boils, athlete's foot and warts. Coconut oil or coconut butter has been widely used as a moisturizer. It provides a shield on your skin to protect the natural moisture.

For Skin Care-Apply grinded betel leaf with coconut oil on black spots, to lighten it-Paste of mehendi (henna) with little oil should be applied on your face to lighten black spots-Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice for a glowing skin-For soft skin make a paste of red sandal powder with coconut milk. Apply it on your face. Rinse it later.-To remove pimples. Use thick curd; add turmeric and drops of oil. Put it on your face. -Coconut oil mixed with crushed garlic when applied at night helps to cure plantar warts and athlete's foot-Coconut butter can be used as lip balm-Massage your face with coconut oil before going to bed this would help in premature ageing

For Hair Care

-Add a teaspoon of camphor to 1/2 a liter can of coconut oil. Store it. Massage this oil on your scalp before going to bed. This would help you get rid of dandruff -A mixture of castor, mustard and coconut oil massaged on your scalp can help you with dandruff problems -One part lemon juice with two parts coconut oil to be massaged to the roots of your hair to ward of dandruff problem -Hair loss problem can be solved by massaging coconut or almond oil for 10 to 15 minutes

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Hair Loss Can Stop With Coconut Oil


This oil can nourish each hair strand by penetrating deep into the hair shaft. It adds shine and softness to hair follicles and prevents hair breakage and dryness. Coconut oil adds strength and vitality to hair and is also known to have anti fungal and anti bacterial properties. Therefore, it can be used for common scalp problems and to heal insect bites and pimples of the scalp. It can also keep lice away from the scalp.

When the amount of hair lost grows higher than the normal hair fall that takes place due to the change in environment, increasing age or growth of new hairs, it is referred to as hair loss problem that needs special care. Improper or poor diet, exposure to a lot of chemicals or cosmetics, hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety and mental tension are some causes of hair loss. coconut oil was one of the few oils that could actually penetrate hair and provide great conditioning. For that reason it's better than many other oils both natural AND synthetic. So it may help keep your hair from breaking, which means you may be able to grow it longer.

Coconut oil is used for cooking purposes in various regions and has been found to be effective in maintaining the level of blood cholesterol. It can also help to control high blood pressure and diabetes. It can boost the immune system and ensure proper digestion and metabolism. Even people with heart diseases and kidney problems can benefit from the use of coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, and protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals.
coconut oil help to keep the hair shaft strong, therefore lessening the chances of breakage and damage so hair can grow longer. Coconut oil also locks onto the weaker parts of hair and strengthens the area, decreasing the chances of breakage. Breakage can impede the hair-growing process. If you have dry hair, coconut oil can be used as the perfect daily moisturizer. Simply put a small amount in the palms of your hands, rub together and apply to hair strands to keep hair moisturized between shampoos and conditioning treatments.
The temporary moisture benefits of coconut oil enable it to cling to weaker points along the hair shaft, decreasing the occurrence of hair breakage.

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Tips for Speedy Hair Growth


Hair is very important for good looks. People are almost always concerned about the way the hair looks and also try to take care of it correctly. Most people feel that the hair is not growing properly even after taking care of it meticulously. Speedy growth of hair depends on a variety of aspects such as the food that you eat, the state of health that you are in presently, pollution and environment factors, your hormones and also your level of stress. Age also is a factor, as you age the growth of your hair slows down. On an average a person's hair grows around 8 to 10 millimeters a month.

To speed up the growth of your hair, you need to make a few dietary changes. Include a lot of fruits in your diet as fruits contain a lot of antioxidants which are good for the growth of your hair. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, so it is advised that you increase your protein intake. Protein will assist in speeding up hair growth. Intake of fish is also good for hair as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for hair growth.

Massage your scalp at least thrice a week. Massage helps blood circulate properly in the scalp which in turn helps hair growth. Avoid using strong shampoos as they are harmful for your hair. Also avoid hair colors etc as they contain a lot of harsh chemicals.
In short, for speedy hair growth a lot of lifestyle changes are required which include a change in diet and proper care. If you are not able to increase hair growth you need to at least minimize hair fall, so that you can maintain the hair that you already possess. Proper maintenance will ensure healthy hair.

We are proudly encourage you to use coconut oil. It has the protein and the antioxidants that are good for your hair to grow and stay healthy.

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